
Human rights statement


Huidu is committed to a merit-based work environment that supports, inspires, and respects all colleagues. In line with our values and affirmation of our long-standing practices, we strictly prohibit and do not engage in any forced or child, and we will not assist our clients in doing so.

The purpose of this statement is to affirm our established commitment to human rights and our commitment against contributing to, participating in, or enabling the use of child, forced, or exploited labor or forced or exploitative conditions and against assisting our clients in doing so in any way.


As a participant in the UN Global Compact, Huidu supports the Ten Principles on human rights, labor, environment, and anti-corruption; the Universal Declaration of Human Rights; and the International Labour Organization’s (ILO) Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work. We strive to adhere to the principles set forth in these standards, as aligned with those aspects that apply to Huidu and the services we provide, and comply with all applicable laws, wherever we operate.

Huidu respects our colleagues’ ability to agree to terms and conditions of employment voluntarily without coercion and to end their employment on appropriate notice freely. Further, we support the elimination of all forms of forced and compulsory labor and the effective abolition of child labor.

Specifically, Huidu is committed to compliance with all laws regulating minimum working age for each individual’s position, including any laws pertaining to the employment, apprenticeship, and internship of youths and students. We also strictly prohibit the use of forced labor and exploitative working conditions. “Forced labor” is defined by ILO as “work or service which is exacted from any person under the threat of a penalty and for which the person has not offered himself voluntarily.”

It is a violation of this statement for any colleague, in any way and in any process, to participate, enable, or cause any individual under the legal working age to be employed or engaged by Huidu; to contribute to, participate in, or enable any use of child, forced, or exploited labor or forced or exploitative conditions; and to assist our clients in doing so in any way and in any process.

Questions or concerns

Every colleague has the right to address ethical concerns in good faith without fear of retribution, including punishment or harassment from colleagues, supervisors, or firm management. We forbid retaliation of any kind against employees who, in good faith, report potential or actual ethical or legal violations.






作为联合国全球契约的参与者,慧渡医疗支持有关人权,劳工,环境和反腐败的十项原则; 《世界人权宣言》;以及国际劳工组织(ILO)的《工作中的基本原则和权利宣言》。我们努力遵守这些标准中规定的原则,并与适用于慧渡医疗的方面和我们提供的服务保持一致,并在任何运营地点均遵守所有适用法律。



